Pirates Game 1 Recap
Last nights 12-11 "victory" over the Atlanta Braves was a four hour suck fest of professional baseball. Yeah it was opening day and the season is young, but that 9th inning gave me a feeling in my stomach that only 8 shots of Tequila and cold 3 week old pizza can give a young male ages 18 - 25.
The Pirates headed into the bottom of the ninth inning with a comfortable 9-4 lead. Pirates announcer Bob Walk actually said that the Buccos were "running up the score" when Jose Bautista bunted in a run in the ninth. Emotions ran high as I was excited as a kid on Christmas morning that the Bucs were not only going to beat BUT….. destroy the Atlanta Braves in the season opener. FALSE…..on to the bottom of the ninth….
The bottom of the ninth was like the last 25 minutes of The Empire Strikes Back. (Stay with me here.) It starts off with some innocent mistakes like C3PO walking into a room and getting blasted by a Storm Trooper (Matt Capps walks in a run), then when Lando sells out Han to Darth Vader you think things are not going to go as planned (Chipper Jones 2 run single: 9-7 ), next thing you know all hell breaks loose….Solo is frozen in carbonite, Lando becomes good again, Luke loses an arm, Darth Vader is his father, C3P0 comes out of the closet [made up] (a routine fly ball drops in between Bay and Mclouth, Chipper Jones hustles and scores from first. Tie Game: 9-9). What just happened? The good guys were supposed to win.
Throughout the entire game (movie) I had a feeling in my stomach that the Pirates were going to lose. And they almost did. If it wasn’t for Xavier "I’m going to be a Met in July" Nady clubbing his second dinger of the game driving in three to give the Bucs another lead. The Braves drove in two in the bottom of the eleventh which was expected, but in the end the Buccos escaped. (Much like Leia, Chewy, the gay robots, Lando, and Luke did at the end of Empire).
1 comment:
didnt we get nady from the mets? maybe we can swap him for oliver perez. and by the way, every mention of the empire strikes back, regardless of the seriousness, needs at least one reference to the character of 'lobot' you seem to have forgotten or ignored that rule...but the good news is that you only missed the famed 'lobot reference quota' by one.
i get to chaperon kids to the home opener tomorrow! how am i going to get drunk? donny iris is singing god bless america!
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